Bermuda Triangle, Bermuda Triangle(aka Devil's Triangle). I would have to say that the one thing that baffles me in this world today is the mystery behind the goings on at the Bermuda Triangle. Right from my days as a little kid, the issue of the Bermuda Triangle has always baffled me and it is still quite baffling till today. One the most memorable incidences tht occurred in the Bermuda Triangle was when a team of avenger bombers on a training mission, popularly known as Flight 19, vanished without a trace in 1945. There were also a host of other occurrences at the Bermuda Triangle including the dissaperance of pepole aboard the ship Mary Celeste and the disappearance of the battle ship USS Cyclops. I heard lots of crazy stories as a kid and these were the beleiefs I had until I became alittle bit older and started opening my mind to other theories. I will tell everybody one theory I heard as a little kid: The Bermuda Triangle is another world on its own in which aliens live and if planes or ships get to close to it, they would be sucked into the Bermuda Triangle and thet would be killed. That is one hell of a story and now that I think about it, that story sounds kinda silly but that was the belief that I had until I grew a bit older. Nobody has being able to come up with a convincing enough explanation to explain why both aircrafts and ships vanish without a trace. Basically, I am a big lover of science and a big beleiever in scientific explanations. So when scientists come up with their explanations about the things that that have being going on at the Bermuda Triangle, I would have to say that they have very reasonable theories as to why such things happen without making any reference to extraterrestrial activities(no disrespect to the people who attribute the goings on to extraterrestrial activities).
I do not know if people know a lot about the Bermuda Triangle, but after you have done a research about the Bermuda Triangle, do you believe the people saying the goings on are as a result of extraterrestials or do you belive the scientists who come up with scientific explanations? That is a simple question I pose to you all.
Have a good weekend.
There's some weird stuff going in the Bermuda Triangle, that is almost sure. In fact, I once heard, and I believe this to be true, that Christopher Columbus often talked about weird stuff happening there too. He and his crew used to say that they saw iron birds (airplanes anyone?) and ships that were as big as cities in the triangle. No one believed them, but what if they were right?
Lol. When I was a young boy I always told my Dad I would never join the Navy because I was afraid they would make me sail through the Bermuda Triangle and something would happen to me.
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